  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Dimitris 15 years, 12 months ago



  • Talk about a profession which is fading away.
  • Show the particularities of your region. (For Greeks pupils the refugee houses).
  • Show some important monuments of your region.
  • Describe the ideal school / the ideal teacher.
  • Interview a special person.
  • Share with us a literature book that you are fond of.
  • Write a novel and ask your peers from the other countries to continue the novel from the point you stopped.
  • Ask from your peers to show what you want to learn about their country and their customs and habitats.
  • Share with us the story of one of your friends who might be an immigrant.
  • Describe a collection of things such as:  Collection of things that don't belong
  • Some people are more creative in a visual mode, so another way is to find an image that moves, inspires, disturbs, or affects you, and build a story around the image.




Add your oun ideas.






paris p l-sf2 E A s E coloured card disc letter u S E Alphabet Block t H E To a T DSC_1609 Alphabet Block o L S 


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